Wednesday, July 30, 2008


oh, how i love these long summer days....

Shepard Family Reunion

this is the gang.

avery did not want to cooperate for the pictures :(

she had a great time eating the chicken, pasta salad, and blueberries. she also liked the muffins i made, even though Nonnie classified them as "health food muffins" - which i don't think was meant as a good thing :)
(okay fine, they did have wheat flour, flax seed, and the hidden ingredient of summer squash)

she also played on the playplace with her cousin Austin, whom she loves. she absolutely loved the water spraypark, which daddy was so good to bring her around in. she played in her wagon with all of her little cousins, auntie katie, uncle jack, and van.

and before we left, we took a ride on the trolley, and auntie merri took some great pictures, which i'll share with everyone :

thank you meredith!

Monday, July 21, 2008


we were at the doctor's again this morning...poor little avery now has a viral throat infection! i feel like we're always in there, but the doctor was looking over her chart this morning and said "wow, she's a healthy little girl, isn't she?" so i guess, overall, we're not really in there as much as it feels like. anyways, the virus will just have to run it's course, so we'll be keeping it pretty low key with lots of clear fluids and popsicles :)

Friday, July 18, 2008

my friend bailee

bailee is such a good sport about letting avery climb all over her. avery loves to give bailee kisses, and she has started trying to boss her around, too. the funny thing is - sometimes bailee listens! even though sometimes avery pulls her tail, bailee probably puts up with it because she knows that she's getting alot more 'snacks' now that avery is here...especially since lately, avery likes to carry her food around in a little cup, but hasn't quite mastered the whole 'keeping the cup upright' thing :)

they found a bug...avery: "ewwwww gross"

bailee: "okay, we're done now"

Monday, July 14, 2008

her little toes...

poor baby. we went to the doctors this morning, because she has a little infection in her big toe. it's partly an ingrown toenail, and partly because this weekend, we were playing outside barefoot and she stubbed her toe. so, it got a little infected. it doesn't seem to be causing her much pain, but it looks painful. the doctor said we just have to soak it in epsom salt twice a day, and put neosporin on it. peter is such a good dad, he's been taking care of it for the last few days, and this is exactly what he said to do. i have to trust him more, but he also wanted to go to the doctors, just to make sure.

she also started sucking on her toes...obviously, we are discouraging that because its gross:) but she does it when she's in her carseat, and thinks its hilarious when we tell her to stop...silly girl.

she likes to grab other people's toes too, and say " tee tee tee", which is her version of "tickle, tickle, tickle". sometimes, she'll even "tee tee" her own toes...and she loves doing it to other kids.

her feet are growing like crazy...she was just in a size four this spring, and she's already completely outgrown those, barely fits into a 5, so is comfortably wearing a 5 1/2, or 6. she has big feet just like her mommy.

daddy painted her toes a little while ago, i forgot to take pictures, so we'll have to do it again. they were a pretty pink to match her dress for auntie heather's bridal shower.

just avery...

She is so beautiful...

so silly...

and getting so big.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

spending time with uncle george

and of course, bailee too :)
avery is having alot of fun with "goga", which is what we call him. she likes the way he plays with her, and he takes pictures of her all the time, which mommy likes alot, too! she is very comfortable with him, and that makes us both really happy.

happy 4th of july

we hung out at home in the morning, then went to nana & poppa's for dinner - delicious bbq chicken, steak, corn on the cob, and baked potatoes with strawberry shortcake for dessert! mommy and daddy had a "whipped cream & strawberries" fight, that ended with all of us in the pool in our clothes!
we didn't get to see any fireworks yet (because of the rain), but hopefully we will get to see them in august...better late than never!
what a fun day!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


avery is loving summer - the bubbles, the balls, the pools, the sprinklers, the eating outside, or playing on the swingset all afternoon...these are some pictures from a couple days ago, swimming in Nana's pool...taking a break, playing on the deck...

with uncle matt, and 'uncle' van...

she was so excited to throw the balls in the pool,

and uncle matt would get them for her...


i'm gonna do it....

even though these pictures look like sweet, innocent avery just having fun, if i had been able to take pictures of when we were in the pool, it would have shown a different story. she's crazy!! she wore swimmies, and wanted to lunge out of my arms every chance she got. she was struggling to get away from me the whole time we were in there. i'm really glad she was so excited, and that she's so brave..but i've really got to keep my eye on this one! even though she went half way under a few times, and water got all in her nose and mouth...she didn't care!! she wanted right back in again, no tears, just a little sputtering, and then she was back to kicking and splashing and trying to swim away. i think we should make the pool a weekly summer activity.